Brooklyn hardcore/metal assassins VISE MASSACRE have finished their upcoming debut full-length album, Expendable Humans, showcasing the unit’s revamped lineup boasting their most cohesive and corrosive psychotic rage to date. The brutalizing new platter will see release in the coming months on a label yet to be determined.
For now, the uninitiated can catch up on the VISE MASSACRE madness via the band’s Facebook page, where they’ve recently posted several previous demos. Also catch the bastards live, as they begin to hit the local dives with the new lineup, including their debut of the new lineup tonight in the band’s backyard at Brooklyn’s Saint Vitus bar.
9/21/2011 Saint Vitus – Brooklyn, NY w/ Brohammer, Mt. Olympus, Cleanteeth
With the subtlety of being jackhammered in the throat, VISE MASSACRE form a psychotic blend of speed metal elements bastardized by noise-ridden hardcore. As always fronted by founding guitarist/vocalist Rich Von Muller (ex-The Last Crime w/ Kevin Egan of Beyond/1.6 Band), the VISE MASSACRE lineup is now rounded out by bassist Chris Vezza (ex-Awkward Thought) and drummer Jerry Carbone (ex-Science Diet, ex-Ethnic, ex-Dawn of Bathos).
More info will follow on the release of Expendable Humans will be announced in the coming weeks, and live actions from these henchmen will be announced through the new year.