WIZARD RIFLE: Stoner/Doom/Mathrock Conjurers To Release Long-Awaited New Full-Length On Seventh Rule; Preorders Available

Los Angeles-by-way-of-Portland stoner, doomed out, mathrock conjurers, WIZARD RIFLE, are very pleased to unveil their brand new full-length in the form of the smoldering five-track Here In The Deadlights.

Set for release via Seventh Rule Recordings later this month, the follow-up to 2012’s critically adored Speak Loud Say Nothing full-length, which MetalSucks likened to a “Big Business-ified Melvins fucking a baby into Shellac and then hired Matt Pike as their au pair,” was tracked by guitarist Max Dameron over three weeks at Breakfast Studio in Los Angeles, then toiled over for a year, with Billy Anderson (Sleep, Eyehategod, Melvins et al) and Jesse Johnstone sharing mixing duties. The album sees WIZARD RIFLE for the first time as a trio featuring Dameron alongside, drummer Sam Ford, and bassist David Boe pushing its sound into far sludgier realms and reaching new levels of monolithic heaviness, while maintaining a propulsive groove which spins and twists itself into oblivion. Tracks range from two to ten minutes, encompassing everything from sprawling psychedelic epics to surf-sludge noise-romps. Drawing from the sounds of Lightning Bolt, Karp, Sonic Youth, Black Sabbath and High on Fire, WIZARD RIFLE cannot sit still sonically for more than two seconds. Prepare thineself…

Here In The Deadlights Track Listing:
1. Crystal Witch
2. Buzzsaw Babes
3. Paul The Sky Tyrant
4. Psychodynamo
5. Beastwhores

WIZARD RIFLE arose from the rain and gloom of Portland — two malcontent twenty-somethings with a bent on creating something exhilarating and progressive amidst a scene of tepid dreamy pop, and redundant revival acts. Drummer Sam Ford is a blur of tom rolls, rapid-fire rim shots, screaming out harmonies amid the flurry. Meanwhile guitarist Max Dameron spews forth tentacles of noise, at times angular yet bizarrely groovy, at times psychedelic ambience, or purely crushing space-rock. The sheer sonic wall created by two is a sight to behold live, both members sharing signing duties and pushing to the limit of their abilities and ears.

With a sound rooted in a reverence for ’70s psychedelic and punk, and myriad contemporary acts without ever feeling like a throwback, WIZARD RIFLE seeks to push the boundaries beyond reference points and obvious nods to rock idols. Still, they’ve commonly been likened to King Crimson, Lightning Bolt, High On Fire, Misfits, Karp, Melvins, My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, Sleep and so many others. In 2012 the band released their debut LP Speak Loud Say Nothing to critical adoration on Seventh Rule. Teaming up with Nanotear Booking, they honed their live sound on several US/Canadian tours, sharing the stage with the likes of Yob, Church Of Misery, Black Cobra, Arabrot, Rabbits and Witch Mountain. Last year, the lads relocated to Los Angeles, and immediately started work on the delightful, riff-encased bruiser, Here In The Deadlights.

Here In The Deadlights will be released on CD and limited red-inside-deep purple colored vinyl via Seventh Rule Recordings on October 28, 2014. Preorder your copy today at THIS LOCATION. Track teasers to be unleashed in the coming days stay tuned.
