PISS VORTEX: Stereogum Streams Entire Future Cancer EP By Denmark Grind Crew; Record Out Next Week Through Indisciplinarian

PISS VORTEX_band [photo by Jacob Hansen][photo by Jacob Hansen]

Danish grindcore nihilists, PISS VORTEX, are gearing up for the worldwide release of their scathing Future Cancer 12″ EP through Indisciplinarian next week, and advancing the attack, Stereogum has posted the entire record for exclusive streaming. “Piss Vortex’s nearest sonic touchstones are scabrous future-grind acts like Brutal Truth and dissonant death metallers such as Gorguts, but the feeling you get from listening to Future Cancer, their 12-minute upcoming EP, has more in common with hardcore-derived bands such as Converge, Yautja, and fellow Scandinavians Beaten To Death,” issues the web portal. “Considering that it’s a second-ever release featuring an average track runtime of two minutes, Future Cancer is a riot of greasy, insidious hooks. Every tune here features at least one flip-your-desk moment…”

Stream the entire Future Cancer EP by PISS VORTEX at Stereogum RIGHT HERE.

Displaying a clear progression of a band falling into place just to dissolve into the next experiment without fear or nothing to prove, the six songs on Future Cancer were recorded live in the studio over two days with producer Jakob Reichert Nielsen. More galvanizing in its extreme shape and expression, more challenging in its intuitive progressiveness, this EP is more mind-bending in its emphasis of spaced out psychedelica, and overall just more fucked up than ever.

On April 1st, Future Cancer will be unleashed via Indisciplinarian on black 12″ vinyl and digital formats, with US mailorder handled by Earsplit Distro. Stateside preorders can be placed HERE and international orders HERE.

Decibel Magazine premiered an early track from Future Cancer, including, “…be afraid for your ears. ‘Den Moderne Mands Laenke’ (‘Chains of Modern Man’) is a no-bullshit grindcore excoriation that announces its presence with authority from the first millisecond.” Ninehertz reports that the EP is, “blisteringly acute in not wasting time nor vinyl groove,” continuing, “From the opening ‘Default Face/Filtered Rot,’ PISS VORTEX display an unbalanced lurch beyond a full on thrashing grind, that their press labelling alludes to, the unhinged of Today is the Day, the bassy rattle of Unsane, the off kilter of KEN Mode, all potentially hinted at and grafted to the grinding frenzy.” A 9/10 review at Svbterranean issues, “As the EP progresses, the listener will also be subjected to suffocating cacophonies, noisy dirges and angular grooves, all of which simultaneously deal out tremendous beatings and instill insurmountable vertigo… Future Cancer is menacing and destructive every step of the way. With this release, PISS VORTEX have solidified their place as one the newer grind acts to follow.”

4/08-09/2016 Metal Royale Fest – Aarhus, DK w/ Gorguts, 1349, more
7/13-17/2016 Obscene Extreme Festival – Trutnov Battlefield, CZ w/ Insect Warfare, Rotten Sound

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