THE CLEARING PATH: Italian Soloist Completes Blackened Metallic Hardcore Debut Album For Self-Release This Summer

[photo by Virginia Saredi]

Italian blackened hardcore/metal outfit, THE CLEARING PATH, has completed its debut full-length album, Watershed Between Earth And Firmament, and is finalizing the details for its release this Summer.

Born from the ashes of ThySolace, THE CLEARING PATH‘s sole creator, one Gabriele Gramaglia, took the black metal and hardcore influences of that act into drastically more conceptual directions, in a more ambitious delivery, thriving on the influence of abstract hardcore/punk acts in the vein of Converge, Traged and His Hero Is Gone, and atmospheric/experimental black metal, citing the likes of Blut Aus Nord, Enslaved, Deathspell and Omega. Fully written, executed, recorded and mixed by Gramaglia, the first recording from THE CLEARING PATH, Watershed Between Earth And Firmament is a concept album about spiritual renaissance inspired by the beauty of mountainous landscapes of the Italian Alps north of the creator’s homeland.

Conceived in reflection about one of the darkest periods in the artist’s life, Watershed Between Earth And Firmament stands as a turning point, in searching for the light to find the path back to normalcy. Metaphorically describing a trek from the slopes of a majestic mountain to its summit in which, after many efforts and obstacles, some semblance of solace is found, the groundwork for the album was inspired by the beauty of the landscapes through these times of travel and meditation. Mastered by Marco Gervasio and fitted with custom artwork painted by Luca Devinu/Blessend, Watershed Between Earth And Firmament is a dense, thirty-minute release sure to catch the attention of fans of Celeste, Castevet, Krallice, Eleven As In Adversaries and the like.

Watershed Between Earth And Firmament will see independent release on July 11th, at first digitally, with physical versions to follow. Stand by for audio samples from Watershed Between Earth And Firmament and more on the album to be issued shortly.

Watershed Between Earth And Firmament Track Listing:
I. Holy Waters
II. Sacred Mountains
III. Goddess Aura
IV. Atop The Throat, My Glance Cautiously Surveys The Depths
V. My Wild Goose Chase
VI. This River Will Carry Me Towards The Grandest Light